AARE WA Agenda summary for 20th August 2024 Zoom 5pm meeting

AARE WA Agenda summary for 20th August 2024 Zoom meeting

(Those involved will be provided the Zoom link directly)


Preparation for the Annual Dinner 5th Sept 2024

Awards Nominations finalised.


Other AARE State initiatives


Membership Drive: New school membership accepted


Sponsorship Drive:


Call out for 2025 Year of CaRE

  1. Day in a Month of Prayer
  2. Student Competitions Online Gratitude Wall
  3. Media – stories
  4. Promote what others are doing


Pastors Story Time – Start with The Christmas Story


Thanks for all the effort before, during & after each Committee meeting.

AARE National Zoom Meeting 13 August 2024 5.30pm EST

Dear Christina, Mark, Brady, Helen, Tim, Candice, Greg and Chris

Following the Presidents’ Forum between Christina, Greg and Myself last week,
I wish to call a National Committee (ZOOM) meeting on Tuesday 13th August at 5:30EST / 3:30WST.

1. Accepting any outstanding membership applications
2. Any financial issues
3. Strategy for rolling out the Year of Care ( I will send a draft for your consideration)
a. Division of responsibilities
b. Communicating/Promotion
c. Soliciting partners/supporters
4. AOB

Dr Kirk Franklin Developing Cultural Intelligence AARE Vic (get the Resources after the event)

Victorian State President of the AARE gives thanks to all who were involved in the event held on Monday 12th  August 2024

Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School Vic was a terrific venue and very much appreciated.

Watch:  Get the Notes:  Download the Power Point presentation  – of the Engaging and Interactive PL/PD 

By our keynote speaker – Dr Kirk Franklin Developing Cultural Intelligence

GO TO the ==>  AARE SEA (South East Australia) PD & Events Tab (Click here)

(Consider Bookmarking your state page choice) 


Original invitation: 


My name is Christina Douglas, and I have recently become the Victorian State President of the AARE.  A group of volunteers have formed a small committee and are committed to continuing to organise events and communication on behalf of the Vic AARE. 

If you would like to attend our upcoming event about the developing field of research about Cultural Intelligence (CQ) on Monday, August 12th at Ivanhoe Grammar School (or know someone who would), please accept our invitation to join us.  We would love to gather and connect with as many schools, or interested groups, and meet you.

Flyer attached   

I look forward to supporting you and developing the profile of RE in our Victorian Schools, together.


Christina Douglas,

State President – Victoria 

On behalf of the Vic Committee, AARE 

Australian Association of Religious Education 

On behalf of the Vic Committee, AARE 

Australian Association of Religious Education 

World Prayer Assembly

Our vision: “Blessing all nations, peoples and cities with the transforming love and goodness of our God!”

We gather when the Lord prompts us, drawing together prayer and mission leaders from across the world, to seek His face, and to hear from Him, repent, and pray – responding in unity as we are led.

Join thousands of Christians of all ages from the worldwide Church and Prayer and Missions Movements for the 2023 gathering in Perth, Australia!


National Grandparent Conference (NGC)

The National Grandparent Conference (NGC) seeks to engage, equip and encourage grandparents and ministry leaders to be intentional in leaving a faith legacy for others to follow, especially our grandchildren. The 2023 NGC will once again bring together a diverse range of inspirational speakers, who in sharing their insight and experience, will seek to encourage grandparents to grab hold of the possibilities that exist for seeing the generations that follow us, grow in health both spiritually and emotionally.

Details at https://ngmlegacy.com.au/2023-conference/

Ministering H.O.P.E. to Children Seminar (Northam, Saturday 24 June 2023)

At the last Passing the Baton, David Goodwin gave a stirring message about how Aussie children are mentally and emotionally suffering today. Even in our churches, there are children suffering from anxiety due to worry about what is happening in the world today.

David is coming back to WA to take a 4-hour seminar where you will be shown how to help children understand what Christian H.O.P.E. – which is way more than simply wishing things could be better. It is a confident expectation that things will be okay.

In the seminar you will learn how to help children come face to face with the love and comfort of Jesus and build into their lives resilience and positive ways of handling grief. They will come to know that God is faithful and will fulfil every promise he has made and will place eternal HOPE in their hearts for their present and future.

Brochure (on CMN website)

The WA seminar is at Northam on Saturday 24 June 2023.
Hosted by Bridgely Church of Christ 93 Wellington Street Northam WA 6401, 9am to 1pm
For full details and to register online please go to: https://e.mybookingmanager.com/E2917202253966

And if you can’t come yourself, try and get some of your key leaders to attend.

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