Annual general meeting 2022

All Members of the Australian Association for Religious Education are cordially invited to attend the online Annual General Meeting of the Association. Members should have received an invitation by email.

If you are a member and did not receive the invitation please contact us. If you are not a member you may wish to join us

The AGM replaces the traditional National Meeting conducted biennially at the National Conference.

In order to meet new governance and legislation conditions, members are called to approve new Association Rules (Constitution) and elect a National Committee.

All members are urged to participate in this important process.

The Agenda for the AGM includes:

  • voting on a Special Resolution to adopt a new Association Rules  (current and proposed Constitutions are attached)
  • electing a National Committee  (a Nomination Form is attached)
  • hearing reports of activities of the Association
  • determining the annual membership fee and
  • bestowing Life Memberships and Outstanding Service Awards

To facilitate the acceptance of the new Association Rules, members are invited to review them and forward any suggestions or questions to the Committee prior to the meeting so these might be addressed.

The AGM (National) is reserved for members of the Association only. Those wishing to take out or renew their membership are invited to do so.

This is done through the Association website.